As a business coach, I am always researching new coaching tools to implement within my coaching practice. Each tool I find, I road-test and with those that I like, I experiment, tweak, practise and hone.

There are heaps of goal trackers out there, but this one is special. This goal tracker has been specifically formulated, by me, for female solopreneurs and incorporates not only planning elements but MINDSET too.

And we all know that if you combine mindset AND strategy together, you supercharge your success.

This goals and success tracker will help you achieve your goals and cultivate a habit of celebration ✨

Features and function:

  • Log your goals for the year, quarter and month
  • Stay aware of your goals and how you are progressing
  • Easily break down the overarching quarterly goals into monthly goals
  • Log your wins each month – to boost confidence, self-belief and practice self-celebration
  • Set a word of the month to focus your energy and intention
  • Log your future script for the year and each quarter